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Alberta Dance Theatre
youth artist Program Info

Connect, Grow, Contribute 

Calling All Dancers!

We welcome creative and passionate youth from across Calgary in grades 1-12 to audition!

Over the course of only 12 weeks Youth Artists create an hour long original production alongside local arts professionals.


Each spring, Alberta Dance Theatre holds open call placement auditions inviting dancers from around the city of Calgary to join the company. ADT welcomes dancers of all experience levels and uses the auditions as a way to place the dancers in the appropriate performance group.
If you have any questions about whether it's the right time for your young dancer to join Alberta Dance Theatre, please contact us! We'll help you understand what to expect!
We ask that dancers in the ADT program are actively training. The ADT program focuses on performance and creation but taking another dance class will develop the dancer's technique, stamina, and the various skills that will enhance the ADT experience. Actively training in dance could include dancing at a studio, school dance program, or virtual programs. Our dancer’s train all over Calgary. We can provide you a list of dance studios and community partners if you need somewhere to train.
2025 - 2026 Season Audition
Details Coming Soon

The Process

The season starts with a Meet n' Greet event on the last Sunday in August. This is a great chance for parents and Youth Artists to meet each other before the season officially starts!

ADT rehearsals generally start the second week of September and run Sundays 10:30am – 4pm until the show week. During rehearsals Youth Artists learn choreographic and creation skills from local professional artists and are charged with creating our hour long production. Rehearsals allow time to create 3 small group pieces and 2 company pieces, along with practicing and creating the transition moments and speaking roles. Limited Saturday rehearsals from 3:00pm - 6:00pm run throughout November. 

During our 11 to 12 week process, ADT Youth Artists participate in our annual Weekend Intensive. This is a highlight of the season! The Weekend Intensive is an out-of-town sleepover weekend with the company where youth artists create and dance in an inspiring environment. The Weekend Intensive usually occurs Friday through Sunday. The Weekend Intensive is included in ADT fees. 

During show week, Youth Artists are  required every evening and they will miss some school.  Show week is generally the last week of November or the first week of December (subject to change). Show week starts off with loading the costumes and props on the Sunday. The Staff and Creative Team of ADT prepare the theatre during the day for the Youth Artists to rehearse in during the evenings. We conduct "tech rehearsals" and "dress rehearsals" before presenting the show multiple times to public audiences and school groups. We also participate in pop-up performances throughout the year that are optional for company members to participate in.


ADT Youth Artists learn about a professional artistic process by engaging in one! 
ADT Membership Benefits
  • Create alongside professional local artists in multiple disciplines over the course of 10-12 weeks
  • Perform in a professional venue with professional lighting design
  • Work with originally composed music
  • 1-2 additional pop-up performance opportunities 
  • All inclusive Weekend Intensive
  • 2-3 off-season workshops
  • Cast Party 
  • Commemorative show t-shirt, video link, and poster
  • All performance costumes included (all costumes will remain property of ADT)
  • Graduating dancers receive a featured moment in the production and a reference letter upon request
  • High school dancers have the opportunity to mentor younger dancers and inform ADT program changes and company operations
Parent Commitment
Alberta Dance Theatre is a family commitment! It's part of what makes our community so welcoming and vibrant! While the dancers are busy rehearsing and dedicating themselves to performance, the support network surrounding the dancers ensures that each season is a success by contributing volunteer hours.
The ADT volunteers are responsible for:
  • Creating costumes, props, and set
  • Working backstage during our production to ensure we have a smooth running show
  • Supervision throughout our rehearsals and at our Weekend Intensive
  • Work as Ushers and Box Office staff to ensure our audiences have a pleasant audience experience
  • Organize Cast Events
  • Help ADT Staff coordinate and communicate Fundraisers
  • Put up show posters and participate in other marketing tasks
Each opportunity gives volunteers a chance to express their own creativity, a peek into the creative process, a chance to work alongside our creative team and Youth Artists, and bring our vision to life!
ADT is a non-profit, charitable organization. We receive funding from government funding bodies at the municipal and provincial level, private donors, corporate sponsors, fundraising, and membership fees. Member fees only cover a portion of the cost associated with the ADT experience.
We are deeply committed to offering an accessible program for every family. Please contact us with your questions and feedback!
Standard Payment Option:
  • $710 per Youth Artist   
  • $400 raised through Fundraisers
  • 50 - 60 Volunteer Hours
  • One Casino Shift
Alternative Payment Option 1:
  • Picking this option allows you to buy out of Fundraising
  • $1160 per Youth Artist
  • 50 - 60 Volunteer Hours
  • One Casino Shift
Alternative Payment Option 2:
  • Picking this option allows you to buy out of Volunteer Hours
  • $1210 per Youth Artist
  • $400 raised through Fundraisers
  • 10 Volunteer Hours
  • One Casino Shift
Alternative Payment Option 3:
  • Picking this option allows you to buy out of Fundraising and Volunteer Hours
  • $1660 per Youth Artist
  • 10 Volunteer Hours
  • One Casino Shift
A tuition deposit of 50% of the total tuition amount is due at the time of registration with the remaining tuition due at our first rehearsal. A $150 Casino Deposit is also required at time of registration. The Casino Deposit will be returned once the casino shift is fulfilled. 
All hopeful ADT participants need to attend an Audition Workshop or submit a video audition. Please contact us for more information. 
Scholarships and Bursaries are available. 

ADT Parent

ADT fuelled [our children's] passion for dance, helped them build amazing friendships and allowed them to learn valuable lessons in dance and life ... Moreover, these kids are not merely dancers, they quickly become friends who feel more like family. 


ADT Parent & Scholarship Recipient

The ADT scholarship support made me proud as a mother, and my daughters got the platform to continue their artistic growth. This scholarship support is therapeutic, gives a sense of pride, and creates belongingness here in this new city as a newcomer.


ADT Scholarship Recipient

I've never received a scholarship before but getting one made me feel really validated and seen, and I'm so glad that I got one because it meant that I could be a part of this amazing company for another year.


Krista White

ADT Alumni & Artist

The fact that my ideas were heard and taken on board felt so powerful and so amazing. I really enjoyed being a part of that process ... [ADT] taught me just how much I love dance and how much I wanted it to be part of my life going forwards and just to have confidence in myself. Those are really important lessons.

Contact ADT

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The Society of Alberta Dance Theatre, For Young People

900, 105 12 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB
T2G 1A1

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