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Scholarship & Bursary Program

"The ADT scholarship support made me proud as a mother, and my daughters got the platform to continue their artistic growth. This scholarship support is therapeutic, gives a sense of pride, and creates belongingness here in this new city as a newcomer. I genuinely appreciate the ADT's teamwork, teachings, sincerity, punctuality and discipline. ADT's scholarship support greatly impacted my family and my daughter's mental health."- ADT Scholarship Recipient Parent
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Bursary Information


Any applicant, new or returning to the Alberta Dance Theatre program, intending to join ADT for our 2024-2025 Season is eligible to apply for a Bursary. All Bursary awards are dependent on the dancer being accepted into the company. Hopeful participants should attend the Audition Workshop or submit a video audition (contact us for video audition requirements).



Bursaries are intended to alleviate the barriers of participating in the Alberta Dance Theatre program for all ages. This includes financial barriers and/or the capacity of the support network of participants to contribute to volunteering and/or fundraising throughout our season. 


Assessment Process

Bursary applications will be assessed mainly on financial and family need as disclosed to us by a support network member of the hopeful ADT participant. 


The young person hoping to attend ADT will also supply a short essay demonstrating their readiness to join ADT, their understanding of what the program entails and how it will benefit them as an emerging artist and growing individual.


Bursary Awards 

Partial Bursaries are available for our 2024 - 2025 season. A partial Bursary will cover up to $710 in tuition, and/or up to 60 volunteer hours, and/or up to $400 contributed through fundraisers.


We have the equivalent of three full program awards to designate across our Scholarship and Bursary programs for our 2024 - 2025 season. Applicants should expect to receive partial program coverage if their application is successful. 


Application Process

A support network member of the ADT participant must fill out the Application Form. The ADT participant will also submit a short essay. Essays can be submitted in writing, by voice memo or through video essay. Both parties will attend an interview with ADT staff. 


Essay Requirements:

Essays should not exceed one page in length. The applicant will not be evaluated on grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc. but rather: 

  • The applicant's comprehension of the ADT schedule, rehearsal process expectations, and performance requirements

  • The applicant's readiness to participate in the ADT program

  • Applicants should brainstorm the benefits the ADT program could have on their personal growth 

  • The applicant should express eagerness to engage in dance, theatre, and creativity


Interview Requirements: 

  • Both the primary applicant and support network member should be prepared to speak about how they will prioritize ADT amongst their other fall commitments, and how they can support the primary applicant throughout this process.

  • Both applicants should brainstorm areas of interest and ability to give back to the ADT community. This can be through volunteering, fundraising, spreading the word about ADT or offering any specific skill sets or connections you have. 

Scholarship Information


An Alberta Dance Theatre Scholarship is open to any returning ADT Youth Artist entering grades 10 -12 for the 2024 - 2025 school year. All Scholarships are dependent on the applicant being accepted into the Alberta Dance Theatre program for the 2024 - 2025 season after attending auditions or submitting a video audition (contact us for video audition requirements). 



The Alberta Dance Theatre Scholarship program is intended to recognize the contributions of the applicant to the community and artistry of ADT. This is a merit based program where financial need will not be taken into consideration. For those looking for financial assistance please apply to our Bursary program. 


Assessment Process

Scholarship applications will be assessed by reviewing the applicant’s previous contributions to Alberta Dance Theatre as a creator, performer and community member throughout the 2023 -2024 season. A successful applicant will have demonstrated preparedness for every rehearsal and performance, respect for all Creative Team members, volunteers, venues, and fellow Youth Artists, and acted inclusively throughout the 2023 - 2024 season. The applicant’s artistry, passion for creativity, and dedication to their craft of dance and theatre will also be taken into consideration.

Scholarship Awards

Receiving a Scholarship will partially cover the Youth Artist's tuition for the 2024 - 2025 season (up to $710 will be awarded). The applicant will be required to contribute $400 through fundraisers and 50 - 60 volunteer hours.


Applicants who are awarded a Scholarship will join the Senior Dancer Committee for the 2024 - 2025 season. This is an extra commitment that involves role modeling rehearsal etiquette and the company culture of ADT for younger dancers, taking on leadership roles, and informing company decisions through providing thoughtful feedback to the Co-Artistic Directors. Senior Dancer Committee members have the unique opportunity to learn more about the behind the scenes of running an arts company while also giving back to the ADT community. 


We have the equivalent of three full program awards to designate across our Scholarship and Bursary programs for our 2024 - 2025 season. Applicants should expect to receive partial program coverage if their application is successful. 


Application Process


Applicants must submit the Application Form along with a short essay and interview. Essays can be submitted in writing, by voice memo or through video essay.


Essay Requirements: 

  • The essay should not exceed one page in length.

  • The essay should address the positive contributions the applicant made to the artistic product of The Secret Starling through performing and contributions throughout the rehearsal process. 

  • The essay should address the positive contributions the applicant made to the community of Youth Artists throughout rehearsals and community events like the Weekend Intensive, Red Carpet Gala and Closing Night Party.

  • The essay should address the positive contributions the applicant made to ensuring ADT is represented well at the spaces we inhabit as guests such as the DJD Dance Centre and Camp Kindle.

  • The essay should address the applicant’s comprehension of the ADT program and its benefits towards the personal growth of the applicant. 


Interview Requirements:

  • Applicants should be prepared to speak to their ability to give back to the ADT community through their role on the Senior Dancer Committee. This can include reflecting on their leadership skills, how they will prioritize ADT amongst their other fall commitments, and areas of interest to give back (running warm-ups, company bonding activities, etc.). 

  • Applicants should speak to their readiness to participate in another year of Alberta Dance Theatre including any goals or interests for the upcoming season.

  • Applicants awarded an ADT Scholarship will be required to contribute $400 through fundraisers. Applicants should be prepared to speak to how they will achieve their fundraising goal. This can include leveraging their support network and family. However, the fundraising goal should not be solely completed by the applicant's parents.



Bursary & Scholarship Timeline

Applications Due: August 5, 2024
Interviews: August 19, 2024
Summer Intensive: August 20 - 22, 2024
Scholarship Results Announced: August 20 - 24, 2024
Meet n’ Greet: August 25, 2024
First Rehearsal: September 8, 2024

Applicants who were unable to attend the ADT June Auditions or submit a video audition may also attend the Summer Intensive as their audition. The Summer Intensive is an optional training opportunity for ADT Youth Artists that is also offered to the Calgary community at large. There is an additional fee required to take class and spots are claimed on a first come, first serve basis. Space in the ADT program is limited. Hopeful applicants will only be able to use the Summer Intensive as an audition if space is still available in the ADT company. 


Submission Checklist

  • Register for an Audition Workshop or contact us about submitting a Video Audition

  • Fill out the Online Form 

  • Submit your essays (written, video, or voice memo)

  • Submit any support materials requested

  • Stay tuned for confirmation of your interview time slot


Register For The 
Audition Workshop

June 23, 2023

1:00 - 4:00pm

Decidedly Jazz Danceworks


ADT's Rich History

We've been producing inspiring and imaginative family entertainment created by Youth Artists alongside professionals since 1979.

Contact ADT

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The Society of Alberta Dance Theatre, For Young People

900, 105 12 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB
T2G 1A1

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